5 ways to create a successful digital media presence to gain more brand awareness


5 ways to create a successful digital media presence to gain more  brand awareness 

Here are top 5: 
  1. Know your audience --learn where your consumers are digesting most of their information and begin to develop a community on that platform, Consistency is key in building trust on a regular basis. 
  2. Create robust online profiles on the strategic platforms you selected where you know consumers are engaging. Robust elements can include high quality photos, videos and information that may be relevant to the business or brand. 
  3. Create a content calendar -- a calendar can help support your goals by programming relevant content daily on each platform that may appeal to your audience and or any service or awareness you are trying to build. Schedule your content to publish at best times for each platform, check your analytics in order to find best times. 
  4. Build your brand personality by integrating #1 and #2 -- what sets your brand aside from others, what value are you delivering to your consumers, audience, etc.  Create strategic messages that supports the mission, values, services and ultimate business goals.  
  5. Connect with your network -- the same way you connect with your network colleagues in real life should be considered for your online presence.  Interact and engage with other posts that are relevant for industry discussions, participate in high level chats, be a guest speaker or guest writer on industry blogs and sites.  Engagement is key to connecting with your network while also building your brand's credibility on platforms such as Twitter where reporters and PR folks are lurking to get the best stories and features. 
To learn more connect with me at margaret@margaretfontana.com 
